Remak® Damper Sound Insulation

Remak® Damper Sound Insulation

Cao su chống ồn, cách âm - Cách âm Remak® Damper được cấu tạo bởi một lớp lá nhôm mỏng ép với cao su butyl dày 2-3mm, giúp giảm rung và cách âm hiệu quả. Khả năng tự dính của nó cho phép bạn dán trực tiếp lên bất kỳ bề mặt nào một cách nhanh chóng và dễ dàng. Sản phẩm có tuổi thọ rất cao kể cả khi làm việc trong điều kiện khắc nghiệt, hay chịu tác động trực tiếp của ánh nắng mặt trời hay mưa gió.

  • Protective layer:Kraft paper
  • Surface:100µm Aluminum foil
  • Core:Butyl rubber

Remak® Damper Sound has waterproof properties, excellent sound insulation even at a very thin thickness, and can withstand harsh environmental conditions such as high temperatures, sunshine, rain or dirt. Remak® Damper Sound Insulation is non-degradable, long-lasting, resistant to mold and bacteria growth.

Installation location

Remak® Damper Sound Insulation is best used for some applications, such as: pipe sound insulation, noise protection for machinery and equipment, car soundproofing, damping core layer for ceiling or wall soundproof sandwich panels. In addition, the product can also be used on doors to change the vibration frequency of the door hinge for sound reduction purposes.


The rubber is a super flexible integrated material that adapts to all construction conditions. Extremely strong self-adhesive applied to one or both surfaces for easy bonding adheres to substrate surfaces. The product is convenient and easy to apply, can be cut with a paper cutter, scissors and other tools.
Remak® Damper Sound Insulation with 1 layer of aluminum foil can be used as soundproofing material and glued directly onto pipes, metal sheets. In addition, the product with 2 layers of peel-off paper can also be used as an absorbent bonding layer to stick between the outer soundproofing material and the base material..
The rubber has good fire and temperature resistance, high elasticity and tensile strength. The product does not emit polluting waste during the production process and can be recycled and reused many times.

Car Soundproofing

Pipe Soundproofing

Ceiling Soundproofing

Wall, partition Soundproofing

Sound reduction coefficient in the air

Composite structure: 2 layers of 12mm gypsum and core layer Remak® Damper Sound Insulation. 

3D Model