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Lựa chọn 1

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Sản phẩm ứng dụng


Lựa chọn 2

Aluminum Structure Wall

The least thickness in structure to achieve the required sound insulation effect.

Giải pháp

aluminum wall installation1

Step 1

aluminum wall installation2

Step 2

aluminum wall installation3

Step 3

aluminum wall installation4

Step 4

aluminum wall installation5

Step 5

aluminum wall installation6

Step 6

Weight of sound insulation structure: ≤100kg/m². The thickness of sound insulation structure: ≤120mm.

The distance of keel structure ≤400mm, cavity filled with acoustic fiber. Suggested material for insulation structure.

  1. Light steel keel enough to support.
  2. 10-12mm calcium silicate board as baseboard.
  3. 10.12mm gypsum board as surface board.
  4. Staggered installation of base and surface board.
  5. G500 to seal the gaps.

Sản phẩm ứng dụng


Lựa chọn 3

Modular lightweight Sound Insulation Block aa

“OFF” Lightweight Sound Insulation block enhances the sound insulation effect at affordable cost, with superior soundproof performance.

Giải pháp

lightweight block installation1

Step 1

lightweight block installation2

Step 2

lightweight block installation3

Step 3

lightweight block installation4

Step 4

lightweight block installation5

Step 5

lightweight block installation6

Step 6

lightweight block installation7

Step 7

lightweight block installation8

Step 8

lightweight block installation9

Step 9

Positioning, 90 x 60mm C shape positioning keel fixed to the ceiling and wall; C shape facing sound insulation structure.
Lightweight sound insulation block is fixed with screws and liquid nail.
Decoration is worked out after the installation of sound insulation structure.

Sản phẩm ứng dụng